Your identity in Christ: Galatians 1


Galatians 1:1-24

Suggested usage:

1. Allow the anointing of the author’s revelation to saturate your soul as read these identity truths.
2. Turn each truth into a personal identity statement by changing “You” to “I”.
3. Identify which truths affect you more when you read it.
4. Write one of the truths that penetrate your heart the most on your bathroom mirror so you can see it everyday and declare it about yourself using both “you” and “I” statements.



You have an apostolic inheritance in this letter to the churches in Galatia.
This letter to the churches in Galatia was written by a man who was sent directly by Jesus Christ and God the Father.

You can recieve grace and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ just be recieving the anointing in this verse!

You either needed to be rescued from the present evil age or you are rescued from this present evil age.

In Christ, you are a his glory.

You are called to live in the grace of Christ.
You have a free will to choose to live in the grace of Christ or desert him for a “different gospel”.

You will be faced with false gospels by others preaching to you.
You may have to face down with some who pervert the good new of Christ.

You have the ability to ability to anchor yourself to the one, true gospel no matter what.
You have an enemy that wants to use humans, angelic beings, or any means necessary to pursuade you away from the one, true gospel of Christ.

You are called to please God not man.
You alone make the decision to please God or man.
You are a servant of Christ.

The good news you believe is not from a human.

You recieved a gospel that is revealed by Jesus Christ.

You can pray for those who persecute believers and God will save them.
You are a prayer warrior.
You can partner with God in prayer over those who persecute the church.

You have been hand-picked by God from your mother’s womb.
You have been called by the grace of God from your mother’s womb.

You are anointed to pray for those who persecute the church.

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