1 Peter 5:1-14
Suggested use:
- Allow the anointing of the author’s revelation to saturate your soul as read these identity truths.
- Turn each truth into a personal identity statement by changing “You” to “I”.
- Identify which truths affect you more when you read it.
- Write one of the truths that penetrate your heart the most on your bathroom mirror so you can see it everyday and declare it about yourself using both “you” and “I” statements.
For those Christians who are responsible for shepherding other Christians:
You are entrusted by God with His wisdom and guidance to have oversight.
You are called to lead by example, not as a dictator.
For all:
You can wear humility.
Humility is up to you.
You can be sober and alert in spirit.
You have an enemy, the devil.
You have the power to resist your enemy.
You have the power to resist you enemy in strong faith.
You have brothers and sisters throughout the whole world who are enduring the same kinds of suffereing.
When you suffer unjustly, remember, it’s only for a little while.
You have a God, the God of all grace, who will restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you.
You have knowledge of the true grace of God.
You can stand strong in it.
You have peace in Christ.