Background Snippet
Paul had quite an affection for his spiritual son, Timothy, and Paul knew Timothy’s potential in Christ. That’s why Paul wrote this letter to Timothy. Paul knew Timothy’s potential spiritually and was encouraging Timothy to move towards his calling in Christ. In fact, Paul was there when Timothy received his very first prophetic wors. In this same letter to Timothy, Paul says,
Do not neglect the gift you have, which was given you by prophecy when the council of elders laid their hands on you. Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress.
1 Timothy 4:14
They were at a prayer meeting where Timothy was ministered to prophetically. We don’t know what the prophetic words were but we do know that Paul knew them well and that Paul wrote this letter as a framework plan that would help Timothy make “progress” (1 Tim 4:14) towards fulfilling those words.
Prophecies are weapons
In this framework, as we have already read, Paul explicitly states to Timothy to use his prophecies to fight the spiritual battle he was in. These are his words:
in accordance with the prophecies previously made about you, that by them you may wage the good warfare
1 Timothy 1:18
Look back at the phrase “that by them” and think about what term does “them” refer to? The term “them” refers” to “the prophecies”. (There is some debate that “them” may refer to “this charge” but, as we see in this translation for one, “this charge” is singular while “them” is plural. The translators made sure the reader of wouldn’t question what “them” refers to). So, it is clear that Paul not only encourages but commands Timothy to wage warfare using his prophecies.
The question then begs, how? How was Timothy to use his prophecies as weapons? As much as I would like to know what Timothy’s prophetic words were, it’s really much more important for me that I know what he was commanded to do with them. Exploring this is a deeper and more complex study challenge. For now, I know that if Timothy’s prophetic words were weapons for his war, then so are mine for my war.
Activation: Make these declarations
- My prophetic words are weapons for my war.
- God has equipped me to win my spiritual battles.
- God wants me to win my spiritual battles.