Your identity in Christ: Galatians 4


Galatians 4:1-31

Suggested usage:

  1. Allow the anointing of the author’s revelation to saturate your soul as read these identity truths.
  2. Turn each truth into a personal identity statement by changing “You” to “I”.
  3. Identify which truths affect you more when you read it.
  4. Write one of the truths that penetrate your heart the most on your bathroom mirror so you can see it everyday and declare it about yourself using both “you” and “I” statements.



You have been adopted as a child of God.
You have the Spirit of His Son abiding in your heart.

You are no longer a slave to the evil system of this world.
You are a son/daughter.
Because you are a child of God, you are an heir through God.

You are no longer enslaved to beings who by nature are not gods at all.

You now know God.
You are now known by God.
Knowing God and being known by God, your true desire is God.
You are not one who returns to the enslavement of weak and worthless things.

Someone labored for your salvation at some point.
When you struggle to resist acting like a slave to this world, you can remember someone labored for your salvation.
It is up to you now to act, live and behave as a child of God.
You have neither been forced into the Kingdom nor are forced to stay. It is your choice.

Christ is being formed in you.
You are a host for the Spirit of Christ.

You are a child of freedom.
You are a child of the heavenly Jersusalem.
You may be persecuted by those under the system of the world.

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